Update: Pertussis Outbreak Jan 31, 2012

Jan 31, 2012

1.       Currently, almost 200 doses of Pertussis (Whooping Cough) vaccine has been given to Sts’ailes residents. Another 200 doses is now available to all individuals who have not been vaccinated in the last 5 years.

2.       It is highly recommended that this group of individuals come to the Sts’ailes Health Centre to receive the vaccine

3.       Should you have had contact with anyone who is a known case  (confirmed or suspected),please, please inform Sts’ailes nurses.

4.       If you are not well, with flu like symptoms with/without a cough please see a Dr

5.       If you are put on antibiotics for possible Pertussis, please stay at home for the first 5 days of taking the antibiotic. Self isolation will prevent the spread of this serious bacterial infection to others.

6.       If you are unsure about your child’s immunization status please discuss with the Sts’ailes Nursing staff

7.       To date, there are no confirmed (or suspected) cases in Sts’ailes; however there has been some contact with confirmed cases living off reserve but visiting on reserve

8.       I’m sure you can appreciate how very busy health staff are; however please call if you have any questions or concerns and you will receive quick response from our staff.

Marg Hamilton R.N B.Sc.N

Health Program Manager/CHN

Health and Family Services

Chehalis Indian Band

4690 Salish Way, Agassiz, B.C


Phone: (604) 796-9601

Fax:       (604) 796-2122

Email: marg.hamilton@chehalisband.com
